Monday, November 28, 2011

We cleared the first hurdle

I just got a call from my nurse at the fertility clinic.  Even though I only got two measly eggs from my IVF egg retrieval yesterday, both of those eggs were mature and both fertilized!  I understand that studies indicate that close to 50% of fertilized embryos do not make it to pregnancy.  I understand that even if those two little fertilized eggs make it to transfer day, they still may not implant.  I understand that even if they do implant, they may not turn into healthy babies.  I have had two miscarriages, I am aware that I will likely not breathe until I see a healthy strong heartbeat after 12 weeks...but for today, I am going to tuck that all away.  Today, I am going to gloat.  Today, I have two little eggs...correction, today I have two little embryos.

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