Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The panic before the blood test

I should be so excited to have my blood test tomorrow.  I am not.  I am having anxiety and panic about it to the extent where my heart feels like it it beating out of my chest and I might throw up.  Wait, could that be a sign that my pregnancy is still viable?  Or is it my anxiety?  I am crampy-that is a sign of miscarriage...and a sign of pregnancy.  Did I take my suppository at lunch time?  I can't remember.  Is that a sign of my anxiety or a sign of pregnancy brain?  I feel nauseous...wait, no I don't....oops, yes I do, there is that wave of nausea again...wait, where did it go?  Did I imagine it?  Are my boobs bigger?  They feel bigger-well, maybe not.  They don't hurt.  They tingled a few days ago, but nothing now.  Does that mean miscarriage is around the corner?  My own brain is driving me to insanity.

I took home pregnancy tests on Friday through Tuesday, all are pregnant...but the lines don't seem to be getting any darker.  Today, I took a test and it seemed lighter.  Of course, I took it after having a huge bottle of water and only holding my urine for about 2 hours in the middle of the day, but still, it was lighter.  Could this be a sign of the end?

I want to be pregnant.  I want to use "The Secret" but my anxiety and panic are taking over.  I am pretty sure I won't sleep tonight.  I am pretty sure I will be nauseous all day tomorrow and the minutes will drag by until they call me.  This wouldn't be the first time I have had many positive pregnancy tests only to get a call that the blood test is  negative a week later.  Maybe that is why this time I am so fanatical about repeated testing (it isn't helping to ease my anxiety, so I should just stop-but when I don't, I panic and test).

I know my anxiety isn't good for a pregnancy.  I am so excited to get so far-and terrified to be happy about it.

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